Bradley has 25 years of experience working with adolescents, adults, older adults, and persons incarcerated. He has developed skills and expertise working with individuals presenting with a wide array of life concerns such as anxiety, depression, anger, relationship problems, workplace struggles, substance use, end of life transitioning, intellectual/developmental disabilities, and those with more persistent and pervasive symptoms of mental illness (e.g., Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder). Bradley promotes a holistic approach to treatment, with an overall focus on assisting each client with enhanced appreciation of their own humanity.


Bradley earned his Bachelor of General Studies degree at the University of Michigan, and his Master of Humanistic Psychology degree at the Center for Humanistic Studies (now called The Michigan School of Professional Psychology). He uses an ever-expanding integrative approach to treatment when conducting individual and group counseling sessions. With humanistic psychology as a clinical backbone, Bradley learned early on the value of meeting a person where they are at in their life process, and the benefits of walking alongside each person as they further grow and develop. He credits this approach to the teachings of earlier pioneers in the field such as Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Clark Moustakas. He has also learned that individual uniqueness dictates that people benefit from treatment approaches tailored to suit their needs and personalities and has added cognitive-behavioral approaches to the humanistic approaches from his early training. This collection of clinical tools has proven valuable in Bradley’s delivery of psychological services to individuals and families in various clinical settings, including community mental health agencies, nursing homes, counseling clinics, prison settings, and a behavioral health insurance organization.


Bradley’s general approach to therapy is one of warmth and acceptance. He is comfortable supporting and participating in the natural unfolding process of discovery unique to each individual but can also take a more directive approach when a person finds that technique beneficial. Bradley’s experience in a variety of settings has given him an appreciation for the contributions of healthcare professionals in other fields, including nutritionists, dentists, physicians, nursing, and other mental health professionals and this has contributed to his holistic approach to mental health treatment.

Discovery. Development. Direction.

Call 248-461-6266 now to begin your journey to a fuller life.